Thursday, April 4, 2013


How do you feel right now?I'm okay.
What are you thinking about? This post.
What’s your favorite color? Purple
What’s your favorite food? Sushi
What’s your favorite dessert? Honestly, I don't have one.
How old are you? An age.
What have you learned today? That people lie.
What was your favorite subject in school? Science
What do you do? Sleep.
What are some of your favorite books? Twilight Saga! Bone Books.
What are some of your favorite movies? In Time, Twilight Saga.
What kind of music are you into? Pop, rap, R&B, hip hop... Really any thing.
If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about? It would be about me and I would name it Jaden Herring!!
What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done? Sing in front of a lot of people!
What accomplishment are you most proud of? Ugh. I don't know?
Are you married? No!
How did you meet your spouse / girlfriend / boyfriend? Don't have any at the time.
Do you think it’s better to get married when you’re young or better to wait a while? I really don't want to get married, I just want to be single for the rest of my life??
Do you have any kids? (Cough) (cough).... NO!
Have you ever thought of adopting? No I don't want kids:(
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted and still want to be "HAPPY".
What do you do for fun? Sleep.
Do you like traveling? YES!
If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? Europe?
Who are some people you’d like to meet someday? Steve Jobs.
If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say? Be happy.
What’s one of your favorite habits you have? None are my favorite.
What are some things that make you really happy? Music.
What are some things that make you really sad? Death.
What are some things that scare you? Spiders!
Do you like to plan things out in detail or be spontaneous? Plan things out in detail.
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? I really don't know?
Would you rather live in the country or in the city? CITY!!
What was your life like growing up? Um, not the best.
What were you like in high school? Well...
What’s your favorite part about today so far? Bed!
Who in your life has influenced you the most? How did they do it? Mrs.Allen, she gets to do what she loves and she helps people learn! And maybe I can too.
What’s your favorite joke? I don't really have a favorite
Have you ever tried sushi? (Did you like it?) Yes I have tried, and I love it!
Do you like spicy food? Yes.
How do you like your steak cooked? I'm a vegetarian.
Do you have a favorite number? Any particular reason why you like that number? Fifteen and yes there is a reason but it's personal-ish.
If you were a type of animal, what would you be and why? A bird, so I could travel all over the world.
What’s one of the strangest things you have ever done? Um... Sleep with a blow dryer next to me.
What kind of vacations do you like? Beach vacations?
What are some of your major goals in life? To be happy when I grow up.
What are some of your smaller goals in life? To NOT eat every thing (that is food) that I see.
What do you like least about yourself? This is a horrible question. Phew my self esteem got higher!!
What embarrasses you? The faces I make when I straighten my hair.
If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try? President.
What’s your earliest memory? When my mom and dad got divorced.
What’s the best decision you ever made? To go to sleep that one time.
Who’s your best / closest friend? My friend Sammy.
What do you think people think of you? I don't know I'm not "people".
What were your grades like in school? Straight As with the C here and there.
If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn? How to speak a different language.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? A little of both, at different times but more a introvert.
Have you ever taken a personality test? (How did the results turn out?) No never.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Weirdly there eyes.
Do you think people can control their own destiny? Umm... I don't know.
Do you think all people are equally valuable, or do you think some people in certain situations might be more valuable than others? I think all people are equally valued.
Do you think people are basically bad or basically good? I feel stupid, but I don't know.
Do you think morals are universal or relative to the beliefs, traditions, and practices of individuals or groups? Relative.
Do you think any kind of afterlife exists? Yeah.
Is torture ever a good option? If no, why not? If yes, when? No! Never!
Would you kill an innocent person if you thought it might mean saving a dozen other people? No because I would have to live with what I have done for the rest of my life and I would hate my self for what I would have done so no.
What’s the most money you’ve ever given away? Like fifty dollars
What’s the biggest personal change you’ve ever made? I don't know.
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done? Fall asleep in the shower.
What do you think we could do to best improve the education system? Make more things interactive, I guess.
In general, what do you think about art? Love it.
What are some of your favorite websites? Facebook, Twitter.
What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told? I don't like you like that.
What’s something most people don’t know about you? I didn't tell them because, I didn't want them to know.
What’s something you wish everyone knew about you? I am tired.
What are some of the first things you do in the morning? Take a shower.
What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? Fallen of a cliff type thing.
Do you cry easily? No.
Do you like to talk on the phone? No.
How many emails do you get each week, roughly? 100-200.
If someone were to make a movie about your life, who would you hope would play you? Some guy named Jaden Herring.
What’s one of your favorite questions to ask new friends or to get a conversation going? How are you?
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump? YESSS.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? No.
What did you do on your 16th birthday? Nothing yet.
Would you rather be hated or forgotten? Hated, so I could be up in everyone's face like dont you just love me??


  1. Took me a long time to write this!! Just Btw.

    1. I completely understand, Jaden. I used to do surveys like this all the time, but back then they were all on Myspace and through my Hotmail account. :)

      1. On your answer that includes me in it: yes, you are totally right about me doing what I love. I absolutely love being a teacher, and I wouldn't trade a minute of the time I've had with you guys this year. Even with the challenges along the way, it's been so wonderful. I really hope you have learned as much--or hopefully even more--as I have learned from all of you. :) As far as your future career, I believe if you are true to yourself and focus on your strengths and the talents you have been given, Jaden, you will find a job you will be passionate about and love. It may take a ton of work and self-discipline to get there, but I have no doubt you are fully capable of doing what you need to do to get to where you want to go. :)

      2. Have you really fallen off a cliff? If so, how big of a cliff? I've jumped off a few cliffs (my siblings would deny this, saying they weren't technically "cliffs"), and it can be pretty dangerous with some of them!

      3. As far as the question about whether or not all people should be equally valued, I agree with you: every person is valuable and unique in his/her own way. People will always disappoint us, one way or another, but they should be treated with dignity and respect because every person matters... including you and everyone else in our class! :)

    2. The cliff I fell off was roughly 10 or 12 feet, not very big. And what happened on it could have been a lot worse.

    3. The cliff I fell off was roughly 10 or 12 feet, not very big. And what happened on it could have been a lot worse.

  2. Hi hopefully I'm on the right blog now!!!
